Phenogram examples
Phenogram created the image below using the sample file provided. The settings used:
- Input file: phenogram-sample.txt
- Title: Sample
- Genome: human
- Phenogram spacing: Proximity
- Phenogram color: Exhaustive search
- Format: PNG
- Cytobands: human

Example showing mouse genome and cytogenetic bands:
- Input file: phenogram-sample-mouse.txt
- Title: Sample Mouse
- Genome: mouse
- Phenogram spacing: Proximity
- Phenogram color: Exhaustive search
- Format: PNG
- Cytobands: mouse

Example showing chromosome 1 only and cytogenetic bands:
- Input file: phenogram-sample.txt
- Title: Sample Chromosome 1 Only
- Genome: human
- Phenogram spacing: Proximity
- Phenogram color: Exhaustive search
- Format: PNG
- Chromosome: 1
- Larger font?: Checked
- Cytobands: human
- Phenotype size: large

Example showing chromosomes 1,4,7X only and cytogenetic bands:
- Input file: phenogram-sample-mouse.txt
- Title: Sample Mouse Chromosomes 1,4,7,X
- Genome: mouse
- Phenogram spacing: Proximity
- Phenogram color: Exhaustive search
- Format: PNG
- Chromosome: 1,4,7,X
- Cytobands: mouse

Example using phenotypes grouped (with COLORGROUP column) for display:
- Input file: phenogram-groups-sample.txt
- Title: Phenotypes Grouped by Color
- Genome: human
- Phenogram spacing: Proximity
- Phenogram color: Grouped colors
- Format: PNG
- Outline circles?: Checked

Example with ANNOTATION and ETHNICITY columns:
- Input file: phenogram-ancestry-sample.txt
- Title: Annotation and ancestry
- Genome: human
- Phenogram spacing: Proximity
- Phenogram color: Exhaustive search
- Format: PNG
- Larger font?: Checked
- Annotation?: Checked
- Outline circles?: Checked

Example with locations along chromosome with regions highlighted
- Input file: phenogram-sample-poscolor.txt
- Title: Base pair locations and highlighted region
- Genome: human
- Phenogram spacing: Proximity
- Phenogram color: Exhaustive search
- Format: PNG
- Chromosome only?: Checked
- Transparent lines?: Checked

Example with locations along chromosome and region specified:
- Input file: phenogram-mhc-sample.txt
- Title: Highlighted/li>
- Genome: human
- Phenogram spacing: Proximity
- Phenogram color: Exhaustive search
- Format: PNG
- Chromosome only?: Checked
- Chromosome: 6
- Larger font?: Checked
- Annotation?: Checked
- Transparent lines?: Checked